CLR Installation Program
The CLR Installation program is an interior design and programming solution for hospitality businesses, hotels, music venues, corporate offices and co-working spaces
The program is a gallery collection of 24" x 24" album cover remixes created by a diverse roster of visual artists marketed as a pop-up installation
The remixes were created exclusively for the Cover Lover Remix exhibition
Remixes are inspired from album covers across multiple genres, including Rock, Jazz, Hip-Hop, and Pop
The remixes are unique representations of pop culture whose value can be expressed and appreciated outside of a gallery or museum
The popularity of album covers as interior design elements in commercial and hospitality spaces is on trend
Original artwork remixing iconic covers in perfect 2 ft. x 2 ft. dimensions is a showstopper. Everyone has the album cover, not the remix
Each remix has an adjacent QR code, showing the reference album cover, pricing, and details about the remix artist
Clients can install 4-10 remixes with the installation lasting 2-4 weeks
Clients can inject unique energy and buzz into a designated footprint with the themed, pop-up art installation while maintaining their original design concept