For SPRING 2024, the theme for Cover Lover Remix will be the 1990s! Participating artists will remix the cover of an album/CD released in the 90s. All remixes measure 24" x 24" in size and resemble large album covers on the wall.

Cover Lover Remix spent the Spring and Summer of 2022 in the Lower Hudson Valley. The two exhibitions at Garner Arts Center and Pelham Art Center were a blast!

The two exhibitions celebrated album art and vinyl records, with DJs, dancing, record vendors, artist talks, a music festival at Garner Art Center, and commissioned public art created live during community art day at Pelham Art Center.

We also sold artwork, raison d'etre of art exhibitions, as CLR provides a platform for emerging artists and album art. Thank You, Pelham and Garner. I send a special thank you to my friend Charlotte Mouquin, who tragically passed away this past summer.

She was a dear friend and colleague who helped bring about the Pelham and Garner exhibitions.

Select work from the Spring & Summer

2022 Cover Lover Remix